Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Trying not to bounce.

Bought my camera yesterday, and as you can tell, I'm finding it hard to contain my excitement. No, I'm not quite bouncing off the walls and hanging from the rafters yet, so calm yourselves (although I wouldn't put it past me after I've had a few drinks!).

(Who am I kidding? I bought a fucking dSLR! WHOO HOOO!!! THAT'S FUCKING SWEET!!!!)

I think I've gotten a pretty sweet deal with the camera. Paid $1300 for it, plus accessories. Breakdown's like this:

Nikon D60 twin lens kit: $1399.99
Tripod : $59.99
4GB Memory card : $79.99
Flash : $249.99

Total price : $1789.96
Price paid : $1300.00

Saved : $489.96

I'm pretty pleased with myself; so if you come across a better deal, don't tell me about it! Ignorance is bliss, and my pocket DOES hurt after all.

Been fiddling around with the camera all night, and I hope to get a few shots in later today (hopefully I'll have the time!). First things first, I need a camera bag! I think a five million dollar home will suit my new toy rather nicely eh? Okay, so I do have expensive tastes with a rapidly emptying pocket. But it is a rather nice home, don't you agree?

(And no, Amelia, I am NOT going to name the camera anything!)

EDIT: I'm gonna grab the bag tomorrow before shooting. Walking around taking photographs without a bag just feels weird. Plus I don't want to walk back with the the camera around my neck when I'm done. There's the danger of it getting damaged. First shoot's tomorrow late arvo then. Rar.


Robin Wong said...

Hey !

Well done on the purchse... looking forward to the shots !!

slackalmighty said...

Haha! I'm looking forward to the shots too! First shots I did were for stuff to go up on ebay though! Haha. First thing the camera does is help pay for itself! :p