Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Minor irritations.

Some minor things which have tried my inexhaustible patience today:

1. Persons who stand around when you're busy and expect to be served immediately without at least politely coughing, or saying 'excuse me'. The customer may be 'always right', but at least be polite!

2. Telemarketers who refuse to shut up to the point that you just hang up the phone after pretending to listen to a 10 second drivel-splutter.

3. People who try to push products and services on you (even though they're not promotion staff) and insist that you must buy this because it's such a fantastic deal, etc. The enthusiasm's appreciated, and I'm sure whatever company will thank you profusely for trying to push their products. Your cheque's in the mail, by the way.

4. Insurance claims forms which are carefully designed to make getting your money back such a monumental effort that you probably spend more man-hours filing the claim than the claim's actually worth.

For all the above problems, my doctor prescribes a large heavy mallet to the head of the offender. Sadly due to a patent dispute, we are currently unable to administer said treatment. Plus there is that inconvenient trifle sometimes known as the law. Such an inconvenience, eh?

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