I'm looking to get Nikon D60 (see picture). Firstly, I do have an old Nikon 401X, and my lens is shot. So the new lenses can be used with the old camera, should I want to shoot film.
Secondly, I like the 'feel' of the Nikon versus other options on the market (I've fooled around with the Nikon D40, Canon 350D and a Pentax whose model I can't remember). I'd get a Canon, but it just feels too light and 'plasticy'.
Thirdly, I can't find a place that sells the Canon 450D at a lower price ($1.5k on average) than the Nikon D60 ($1.4k on average) for a twin lens kit. I might be wrong though! If you've seen it going for cheaper, please let me know!
So pretty much I'm going to buzz around town on Saturday and see what options I might have available (I'll visit the huge departmental stores too, just in case), and see how we go from there.
hey chris !!!
Whoah DSLR, D60 some more. I am sure you will have no regrets buying it. It has gotten heaps of positive feedbacks from both professionals and regular users.
I am currently using Olympus E-410 (im calling it ollie) and do check out my blog and lemme know what you think of the pics I took !!
Still noob in these things though ahahahahaha...
Haha. Thanks Robin! I've checked out the pictures on your blog. They're damn nice lah! I especially like the pictures where the soft lighting really makes the details come out. I'm jealous!
How much did u pay for Ollie btw?
whoah.... nice nick/blog name - slackalmighty LOL....
Thanks dude, i still have heaps to improve on. But yeah, love playing with soft lighting !!! Hate the harsh harsh sun.
I got my ollie for 2k Ringgit, but i think u could strike a better deal down under.
Nevertheless, stick to your nikon. D60 is more superior than what I currently have LOL
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