I can never get over how beautiful the beaches are here, compared to the yellow-brown water and coarse sand we get back home. I doubt I'll ever head to a Singapore beach under my own volition after seeing these beaches in Australia. This is a beach at Hall's Head, just a couple minutes south from the Mandurah city centre.
Shot this at the miniature village. It looks much like a doorway to some hidden garden, eh? Guess what's behind the door? You guessed it... the 'secret garden'. Seriously, the imagery might be apt, but there's only so many 'secert gardens' behind artfully overgrown wooden doors that my lame-o-meter can take.
Nice door though.
And beyond the door of lame secrecy we find... A random tree with some odd shaped fruit that looks suspiciously like macadamias... with star shaped spikes! Well, at least I think it's a fruit. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, after all I probably am! My intimate knowledge of horticulture begins and ends with what veggies I eat.
Still, it is a marvel of creation. I'm continually amazed at the sheer diversity of life that God has placed upon this earth.
I like little wooden bridges like these. They remind me of the little red wooden bridge over the pond in the quadrangle of my primary school. I spent many recesses catching tadpoles in a little paper cup in that pond. Even contrived to fall into it once.
I've got a huge sentimentality for my childhood - things always seemed much simpler then. You were less jaded, didn't have responsibilities, and everyone was your friend. Things would be simpler if we all just got along hey? Well, we can only imagine.
Note the little eski in Char's hand in the bridge pic? That carried our picnic lunch. Smoked salmon, olives, cheese, smoked oysters and crackers. Might not sound like much, but it gets really filling. Going for a picnic at the beach later today too. Hey, it's summer! Time to hit the beach and soak up the sun!
Note to self: put down camera and start eating when girlfriend gives you the 'feed me' glare!
Later all! I'm off to the beach!
You're right... I haven't felt the urge to go to a Singaporean beach ever since I got back... and I've been back for quite a while I must say...
yeah. its not quite the same hey? :) we must go beach when you're down under next! i'll bring the rose!
Dammit Chris,
Now you are making me miss Perth beaches too...
garhhh the skies are always bluer there...
haha. yeah. the perth sky is always gorgeous... even when my horizon is not. hehe.
miss you lah! when are u coming back?
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