Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Things that tickled me in the last 15 minutes.

By the way, do the current American elections strike anyone as being almost Star Wars-ish? Seriously, we've got:

1. Archiac irrelevant government

Obama Pictures and McCain Pictures

2. Kindly-looking (somewhat dubious?) old fellow
Obama Pictures and McCain Pictures

3. Damsels who cause distress
Obama Pictures and McCain Pictures

4. Evil flunkies in the wings
Obama Pictures and McCain Pictures

5. Inexperienced hope for the future
Obama Pictures and McCain Pictures

6. Strangely ambigious outside forces
Obama Pictures and McCain Pictures

7. Draws satrical comparisons to Monty Python
Obama Pictures and McCain Pictures

Yes, I know I'm a little behind. I only just got introduced to the punditkitchen webbie, okay? (Thanks Ame!)

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