Other guy was pretty doped up. It was really hard to talk to him because he was so out of it. Difference is in the medication; one's popping pills and the other isn't. Pretty clear which is which, eh? Makes you wonder whether getting a kid to pop ritalin is really any help at all.
Anyway, more photos!
Random shot of people walking. I love that yellow-gold colour that comes through when it's late afternoon. Absolutely beautiful. Other than that... Yeah I know it's a blah shot. :p Maybe I should have used a warming filter during editing to bring out those shades more. Hmm...
Shot more sunlight through the trees again. I think this really is my signature shot. Notice how many sunlight/trees shots I have... Heck, even the blog banner (right now) is a sunlight/tree shot. I really love this shot though! Especially that lens flare and the building that's framed by the trees. It's so nicely balanced. (Okay, horn tooting time over!)
... and a seagull! I like how the water reflects him so beautifully. I know there's quite a bit of dirt on this picture. It was a muddy puddle after all. What do you think? Should I clean the picture up a little bit? Took quite a few shots to get this right though. Need to work on my closeups more.
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