I know I've been MIA for a bit on this blog. Things have been getting busy, so I haven't really had the time to sit down and blog. Haven't taken any nice pictures in a while too. I'm looking to shoot tomorrow if weather permits, so fingers crossed there!
I've started a new job at Jobs West. We're contracted to run Youth Pathways, which is a state programme aimed at helping 'at risk' kids in schools. We aim to either (1) keep the kids in school; (2) assist in transitioning the kids to either apprenticeships, jobs or higher education; (3) deal with kids' social/behavioural and self-esteem problems. Been at it for the past week, and it's been really good.
I'm quite excited about this job, and I think it's fantastic that I'll be applying the practical skills I've learned in Uni. Plus it might just put me in a higher standing when I apply for Masters this year!
Got a new computer. The Mac has finally been put to rest after 4.5 years of faithful service. I'm currently running on a PC (I know! Sacrilege right?). Specs are dualcore 2.1Ghz, 3 GB RAM, 250GB HDD, 256MB graphics card. I'm running on Vista, which is seriously annoying. The computer occasionally restarts itself with no warning after installing updates. Plus there's so much going on in the background that the computer can randomly slow down. Other than that, no complaints though.
Guitar lessons have been going good, I'm slowly getting better (although I still suck monumentally). I've still got serious difficulty in doing any licks or riffs that involve my pinky. I swear there's no strength in that finger. Yet anyway. I'm working on it.
Weight loss hasn't really been happening. I haven't gained anything, but I do feel quite a bit fatter for some weird reason. Admittedly, my exercise has been limited to stretching, weights, and 5BX every morning before I head off to work. I need to control my diet more. Maybe cut down on lunch and try really hard to curb the snacking.
Bought myself a few new clothes for work. I actually have a semi-decent stable of workwear now. Scary eh?
Other than that, nothing really much has happened. Things are generally looking up, although full-time working life needs a little getting used to. There's so many things I want to do, but simply don't have the time for anymore. I am worried about Char because she's going through a rough patch right now, and it's really affecting her. I'll appreciate it if you keep her in your prayers, thanks.
One little whinge before I stop rambling: I can't understand how I'm supposed to do things like go to the bank or to Centrelink when I simply have no time to do said things on weekdays, and they close on weekends! I'd hate to think that I'll have to take half a day off just to sort out my own personal admin.