Sunday, June 15, 2008


Just reading the news.

I am so looking forwards to when Microsoft rules the world, don't you? What will they plan to buy next? eBay?

Plus, even more evidence that Japanese are weird people.

Apparently, I'm an occasional binge drinker!

Asian governments are pushing up the price of petrol! (And all along I thought it was just OPEC)

Rudd says good things about Howard. Oh my!

And studies show that drugs are bad for you! Legal ones this time! Marijuana anyone?

On another note, at the rate that large corporations are starting to buy over every major player out there on the market, it probably won't be long before the net ceases to be 'free'. Very Minority Report-ish, don't you agree? (The world concept, not the pre-cognitive persons)

Okay, I know I'm being contrary and silly.

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